Get Involved and Become an Advocate! CPAN advocates make a difference because of people just like you. Become part of a committed nationwide community of cancer patients, survivors, family members, professionals, and champions. With your help, we can keep cancercare in local communities where it belongs!
Members of Pontchartrain Cancer Center's local chapter of the Community Oncology Alliance's Patient Advocacy Network (CPAN) met for a round table discussion in preparation of Dr. Oubre's trip to The Hill. #Cancer
Please call our office for more information (985) 875-1202.

On June 29th, we launched our new local chapter of the Community Oncology Alliance Patient Advocacy Network (CPAN).
Our chapter brings together cancer patients and survivors, caregivers and family members, oncology and other medical professionals, and community members to preserve local, quality, affordable cancer care for all.
Please call our office for more information (985) 875-1202.